Our Story

“Trust in Jesus, even when the storms of life crash against you.

Everett Suter is the founder of Wind + Wave apparel. God has put him on a mission, together with his mom, to help spread the gospel through cool clothes, comfy fits, and messaging that brings truth. Here's how it got started.

Why did you want to start an apparel brand?

One night my mom and I talked about how we wished there were more clothing companies with Christian values. I like comfortable clothes but don’t like the messaging behind some of the big brands. Our conversation sparked something in me and at that moment it clicked. It seemed like God was calling me to do something and I’ve been working on it ever since. This year I’ve watched the brand come to life and it’s been really cool to see what God is doing.

How did you choose the name?

The name is based on the bible verse from Matthew chapter 8. It’s about Jesus calming the storm. Jesus and his disciples are on a boat and a crazy storm comes out of no where. The disciples are afraid and have little faith in that moment. They think they’re going to die. Jesus rebukes the wind and the waves and everything stops. The disciples say “What kind of man is this? Even the wind and waves obey him” (Matthew 8:27). When we put our faith in Jesus, and obey Him, He will calm the storms in our life.

Have you personally seen Jesus calm storms in your life?

Yeah. In 2022 I had a surgery and was in/out of the hospital for about 2 weeks. I felt God was with me the whole time and it seemed like He was very close to me. I never felt afraid. He healed me and calmed the storm around me. I had to put my trust in Jesus in a new way.

What are your dreams for Wind + Wave?

As the brand grows, I believe it will help spread the gospel. When you wear the Wind + Wave brand, it’s a conversation starter that helps people share the story of Jesus. As more people wear the apparel, more people have the opportunity to hear how Jesus loves them and died for them. I hope people tell their friends about Jesus when they wear their apparel.